Machine Learning on Azure

A repository of exercises to support the training.

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Module 16: Exploring and Analyzing Data with Python

In this exercise, you’ll embark on a journey to explore and analyze data using Python. Through hands-on exploration, you'll uncover insights and patterns hidden within datasets, gaining valuable skills in data analysis.

Exercise Overview

In this module, you will learn:

This module serves as an introduction to essential Python packages for data analysis, providing you with the foundation to manipulate, visualize, and derive insights from datasets.

Jupyter Notebooks

To get started, access the following Jupyter notebooks:

  1. NumPy and Pandas - Learn the basics of NumPy and Pandas, fundamental packages for scientific computing in Python.
  2. Visualizing Data with Matplotlib - Explore data visualization techniques using Matplotlib, a versatile plotting library for Python.
  3. Examine Real-world Data - Explore real-world datasets and learn techniques to handle factors that weren't recorded, such as weather conditions, which may influence the data. Discover how increasing the size of the dataset can help mitigate these influences.

These notebooks will guide you through practical exercises where you'll apply Python packages to perform data analysis tasks, visualize data, and derive insights.

Happy exploring!